Important Information for Ukrainian refugees upon arrival in Germany
Humanity is … being there for other people every day.
Any violence is inhuman. In view of the war in Ukraine, we would like to speak out for a world without violence.
We are shocked by what has happened and our thoughts go out to all those who are experiencing great suffering because of the war.
At this point, we are promoting non-violent interaction with one another and hope that peace will be restored as soon as possible.
We have prepared a list of links that may be required for Ukrainian citizens upon arrival in Germany.
Primary information
- Federal Ministry of the Interior and Community
In English: Frequently asked questions about entering Germany from Ukraine and residing in Germany
In Ukrainian:Запитання та відповіді щодо порядку в’їзду з України до Німеччини та перебування на території ФРН
- Federal Office for Migration and Refugees
General FAQ about entering Germany from Ukraine and staying in Germany
- Handbook Germany
(Departure/entry, Children, Additional Help, Medical service, Help from the state, Residence Accommodation, Work, Studies): Up-to-date information for citizens of Ukraine on entry into Germany and stay in the country
The information is also available in Ukrainian and German.
- Emergency centers across Europe: MAPAHELP
- The UN Refugee Agency: information for Ukrainian refugees across Europe
- Accommodation in Germany for refugees from Ukraine: Unterkunft Ukraine
- Public Transport in Germany: information for refugees from Ukraine
- COVID-19: What are the current Coronavirus-related entry restrictions?
In Germany there is currently only a general obligation to provide evidence (3G - vaccinated, recovered, tested) before entry. The German Federal Police takes into account the situation of refugees from Ukraine, so corona tests are also offered at the border.
- Where can I find out about the current Corona regulations? How can I protect myself from a corona infection?
Multilingual information about the topic of Covid-19 can be found here: https://www.integrationsbeauftragte.de/ib-de/staatsministerin/corona .
The Federal government and linked to the rules of the 16 German Federal states.
https://www.bundesregierung.de/breg-de/themen/coronavirus/corona regeln-und-einschrankungen-1734724
- Where can I get vaccinated against Corona for free?
You can go to vaccination centers, doctor's surgeries or pharmacies and get vaccinated against Corona for free. Further information on Corona can be found at:
The current corona rules in the German federal states can be found here:
https://www.bundesregierung.de/breg-de/themen/coronavirus/coronabundeslaender-1745198 .