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Биография (выдержки)

1980 — Received license to practice medicine
1980 — Conferral of research-based doctorate
1980 – 1982 — Department of Pediatrics, Schwabing Hospital
1982 – 1999 — Department of Anesthesiology and Intensive Care Medicine, Neuperlach Hospital
1986 — Specialist in anesthesiology
1993 – 1998 — Director, Outpatient Pain Clinic, Neuperlach Hospital, (pilot project of the Bavarian Ministry of Social Affairs)
Since 1999 — Head of Pain Clinic at Helios Amper Hospital, Dachau
Since 2014 — Head of Pain Clinic at Helios Hospital, Munich West

Участие в профессиональных обществах (ассоциациях)

Board Member, Professional Association of Physicians and Psychologic Psychotherapists in Pain and Palliative Medicine in Germany e.V.(BVSD)

Board Member, Working Group of Bavarian Pain Management Facilities (ASTIB)

Spokesperson for the German Pain Management Society’s (GDSS) ad hoc commission «Multimodal Interdisciplinary Pain Management»

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